Hope you had a great Thanksgiving, whether it be some time off work or time with the family. Either way, I hope you had a great time! The holidays are right around the corner… and so is the Flu season! Make sure to do your part and wash your hands, and STAY HEALTHY out there!

Our Team was lucky enough to donate some time and resources to a place that we find near and dear to our hearts — and that’s at the UMC Children’s Hospital here in Las Vegas. We wanted to give back and had the opportunity to decorate two areas of the hospital, the trauma entrance and the waiting area. We were able to put some trees with presents underneath, snowflake window clings, garlands and even gingerbread men.

Children, Physicians and guests kept saying how nice it looks. It definitely warms our hearts that we were able to do that for the UMC Children’s Hospital. It’s important especially during this time when people are sick and in need of love and nurturing. To have that sense of warmth in the hospital is super super important, so my team & I did just.

Speaking of the holidays.. every week moving into Christmas, we’re going to celebrate with giving you a recipe! This week is cookies!! The recipe below is a family passed down recipe. The recipe is delicious!!

There is a lot of great things in the market happening now in the real estate market. The rates have dropped recently, FHA limits are about to go up, and conforming loans are about to go up as well. So this is gonna change the landscape on loans! People are still buying and selling, in fact… we recently got three calls to list their homes. So it’s happening friends!!

Let me have any questions or how we can support you. If you’re looking at when the best time to BUY or SELL, give me a call we can talk about it whether buying or selling makes sense for you right now.

Thanks you and I’ll talk to you very soon!!

Our Team was lucky enough to donate some time and resources to a place that we find near and dear to our hearts — and that’s at the UMC Children’s Hospital here in Las Vegas.

UMC Children’s Hospital